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Story Yogi

Tag: storyyogi stories

Chapter #3: What?? How did the lizard become a crocodile?

Chapter #3: What?? How did the lizard become a crocodile?

Hey all!! We are always fearful of facing our anxieties and fears, but when they show up in our dreams, we start thinking of them over and over again. Presenting you a hilarious account of my college years that happened to me, and I could never ever forget this. Even today, when I think of this dream, I get instant goosebumps.
So, here we are presenting Chapter 3 of my series, ‘Reminisce – A treasure trove of memories. You can also visit our Facebook to see the AV of this story. #storyyogi.

Reminisce: Chapter #1- The Vacation Batch.

Reminisce: Chapter #1- The Vacation Batch.

Reminisce means to talk about pleasant things that happened in the past. Here, we are presenting stories that touched our lives, etched a memory or maybe some of them we don’t even want to forget as the warm hug of these memories makes us feel better even today.
Reminisce is an attempt to bring these memories back to life, walk those paths again on which we met so many people who influenced our lives, remember those days which made us what we are today.

Presenting the first chapter of the beautiful series Reminisce- The vacation batch.